My elder boy was also like that before, he is now almost 6 years old and has improved a lot in the last few months. Both my boy and we as parents have changed somehow to achieve the improvement.
1. we took him to "play therapy" so that he could release his pressure and learn to express hs emotions.
2. we control our own emotions when he has been naughty, we tell him we focus on his action and still love him. tell him we teach him because if love him and does not mean to punish him. tell him and explain to him in very detail
3. we go to talks and seminars, talk to the social worker, we go to the "play therapy for parents course" which give us very different views on kids and teach us how to improve the relationship and show our love to the kids.
4. give him more encouragement, your girl needs your love and the foundation of your relationship is not good enough, if you have good relationship, she will listen to you.
5. try playing close games with her, like "tickling" and "hugging" and "carrying", very effective in improving the relationship. I try to do it every night for at least 10mins. |