孩子現在23月大, 近來發現他有以下徵狀:
- 愛玩車, 但亦愛用手指撥動車輪
- 轉陀螺
- 愛玩氹氹轉, 亦愛我抱著他轉 (早兩天第一次見他自轉)
- 不合群 - 上playgroup, 只顧自己四圍走, 不太愛與其他小朋友接觸交流
- ...
ethanson 發表於 2010-1-18 12:11  Ethanson, there are a lot of signs other than your baby's behaviour as to assess if a child is identified with autism or asperger syndrome (e.g. whether to have eye contact, symbolic plays, finger pointing or joy to share achievement). My child is 3yrs and 4months and was assessed as PDD-NOS (pevasive development disorder - not otherwise specified) at 2yrs 9 months with autistic feature. This diagnosis means he does have some signs of autisum but the features do not fully fit into autism category. If you spend short time with my child, you may not even notice he is an autistic child. I had the assessment at STEP (邁步兒童發展中心) last year and the diagnose was conducted for almost 3 hrs. I'm not saying that your baby may be in the same situation but your case seems yet too early to say, while maybe only professionals can give us some solid advice after a thorough assessment. Most of the autistic children have sensory integration problem (感覺統合問題) while many children are running saliva and have muscle control problem (e.g cannot even jump a bit). You may also try to pay attention on this point. Pls find the blog of a mother with two kids (one with autism and one asperger). She shares a lot of information on her blog http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mama-tears/article?mid=46 and you can read what sensory integration and other training for austism are. I may suggest you read more information about autism/asperger first. If you find your baby is identified with more traits, get the assessment asap. Early intervention is very crucial for autistic children. If a child is, usually he/she will likely need to receive training in speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and social group training.
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