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在外國的網站看到一篇很精彩的文章,想跟大家分享一下。我嘗試將原文以中文翻譯 (翻譯得不好,請勿見怪):

儘管每年都有新而偉大的藥物出現,美國人每年死於癌症,心髒病,糖尿病和其他疾病的百份比並沒有減少。而每年在美國,死於藥物副作用的人,比死於車禍的人更多。這些藥顯然不是良藥吧。所有這一切都引出了一個問題 - 什麼才是好藥?


你知道嗎,中藥內的黃芪和接骨木,以及氨基酸;L -賴氨酸,是強力而用途廣泛的抗病毒藥物?你知道嗎,大蒜是一種強大的天然抗生素?有許多安全有效的自然療法非常有效,但是你的醫生不會推薦它們。傳統醫學並沒有什麼好方法去打擊絕大多數病毒(只抑制症狀),但仍醫生不會建議黃芪,接骨木,或任何其他天然抗病毒藥物,因為他們是以植物為基礎。

以植物為基礎的治療方法不能產生巨大的利潤,因為它們不能被專利。巨大的利潤,需要支付昂貴的美國 FDA批准的臨床試驗。以植物為基礎的治療方法沒法得到FDA批准用於治療疾病。因此,你的醫生開的治療只能是美國 FDA批准。如果你的醫生規定的治療方法是不是FDA的批准,他或她可以被起訴或失去他們的執照。


僱用他的。這份報告只主張醫學學校使用以藥物為基礎治療。 (參見:“藥物故事”),這些學校開始從洛克菲勒和卡內基中接收大量資金。 1905年,160個醫療學校在美國運作。到1927年 (17年後) 弗萊克斯納報告顯示,這個數字已下降至80。從那時起,製藥公司使用大量的金錢,「批准」到學校的醫學研究,以控制醫療學校的課程內容。所有研究的「生殺權」當然是由製藥公司決定。只有可以申請專利研究,才會獲得獲得批准。這消除了任何使用植物來研究的可能性。


想知道更多有關資料,可按我瀏覽JAILHOUSE LAWYER的網址

(1) 以上的文章不是我寫的。我只是翻譯而已。
(2) 如果您之前有看過我寫的,有關醫學的文章的話,您可以說我是死心不息吧。哈哈~


Despite the yearly claims of great new pharmaceutical drugs, the percentage of Americans who die each year from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other disease names has not decreased. Every year in the US, more people die from the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs than die in car accidents. Clearly this is not good medicine. All of this begs the question - What happened to good medicine?

Where Is The Good Medicine?

Did you know that the herbs astragalus and elderberry, and the amino acid; L-Lysine, are powerful broad-spectrum antiviral agents? Did you know that garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic? There are many safe and effective natural remedies for the multitude of maladies that effect mankind but your doctor will never recommend them. Conventional medicine has nothing to combat the vast majority of viruses (they only suppress the symptoms), but still doctors will not recommend astragalus, elderberry, or any of the other natural anti-virals because they are plant based.

Plant-based treatments cannot produce huge profits because they cannot be patented. Huge profits are needed to pay for the expensive FDA approved clinical trials. So, plant-based treatments never get FDA approval to treat a disease. Your doctor can only prescribe treatments that are FDA approved. If your doctor prescribes treatments that are not FDA approved, he or she can be sued or lose their license.

The End of Plant-based Medicine

Around the begining of the last centruy, Rockefeller and Carnegie obtained control over medical school education through the use of the Flexner Report which was written by Henry Pritchett, who was in the employ of Rockefeller. This report favored only the medical schools that concentrated on using drug-based treatments. (See also: "THE DRUG STORY") These schools started to receive large amounts of money from Rockefeller and Carnegie. In 1905, 160 medical schools were in operation. By 1927, 17 years after the Flexner Report, the number had dropped to 80. From then on, pharmaceutical company control of medical school curriculums was assured by the large amounts of money they would "give" to the schools for approved research. That research of course was approved or disapproved by the pharmaceutical companies. Only research that would lead to treatments that could be patented received approval. That eliminated any treatments derived from plants.

Treatment derived from plants are more safe than chemical based treatments that can be patented.
多謝您的鼓勵,Simon ~
