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標題: 幼兒情緒問題 [打印本頁]

作者: s1009093    時間: 2010-6-15 10:25     標題: 幼兒情緒問題

小女還有三個月便兩歲, 從一歲半開始經常因無理要求而發脾氣, 例如, 我們比餅她吃, 她要一個人吃完一整盒, 我跟她說道理, 她便不聽然後把她附近的東西(如水樽, 玩具)擲到地上, 然後尖叫, 跟她在食店吃飯她也愛把餐牒擲到地上, 我們把牒收起她又會發脾氣,站起來大吵。

其實她的表達能力很好的, 已會說五個字的短句, 也是一個愛玩愛笑的人, 關於小女的情況,請問大家有沒有經驗可分享呢?
作者: myrchan    時間: 2010-6-15 12:11

She must be the "queen" of your family.  One child I guess, right?  Have you ever tried reading with her books about sharing and good manner?  After reading the story for a lot of times, when the bad temper incident occurs again, you may quote the characters of the story to remind her.  This saves much of your energy to keep telling her not to do that and not to do this.

Suggest book:  Momo is angry (in chinese and english, available in public library)
Suggest cd:  Barney ... Best Manner (dunno whether it has book version)
作者: s1009093    時間: 2010-6-15 12:20

Yes, she is the first grandchild in my husband and mine's family as well.  We always tell her to be a good girl but seems that she don't want to follow.  

Thanks myrchan.  My girl loves reading story books.  I will check the library.
作者: myrchan    時間: 2010-6-15 12:23

my pleasure ^^
作者: ahnew    時間: 2010-6-15 13:02

You may try 3P-Positive Parenting Program ( 健康院可報讀, 但要排隊輪候).
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-6-15 13:41

She is too young to know how to express her emotion in words. I had similar experience with my 4 years old before. Then, I borrowed some books in library about how to communicate to young kids (2-4 yrs old), I have learned a lot by reading those books. Talking 道理 won't work for them. They won't understand.
作者: s1009093    時間: 2010-6-15 17:19

Thanks for s1013765's reminder.  If not telling my girl 道理, how should I communicate with her?  Any advise/tips you could share?
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-6-15 19:07

I remember those books said that they do this because they don't know how to express, they thought that is right way to tell you what they want, draw your attention etc. So, you need to tell them from your behavior with simple instructions like No, serious facial expression of No, etc If no improvement, take her away from the location or distract her by saying things she likes or is interested etc. When she is older (like my 4yrs old), ignore her is better than keep talking 道理 (do you think she would understand all the words in your 道理?!), then she should know she did sth wrong. There are still many tricks or words you can use, borrow those books from library, there are a lot of advise and tips. No single way for all kids, each kid is unique and has own personality, you just need to learn when you go along. When they get older and understand better, it will be OK. I am still learning how to communicate well with my 13 years old too.
作者: s0902558    時間: 2010-6-15 22:13

作者: yinghuntchi    時間: 2010-6-17 10:55


講道理我覺得也有需要,但不能太多,你不准他們做某件事,就盡量給他們另一個alternative,set boundaries 並且確徹執行也很管用,但一定要make sure 自己不可以心軟講過唔算數
作者: s1009093    時間: 2010-6-17 11:25

多謝s1013765 的分享. 學做人父母的確要隨機應變。

s0902558: 我也有試用"放她入房"的方法, 不過數次後她一入房便大哭, 更連續數天在夢中驚醒, 口裡說著:"媽媽唔好", 我怕真的影響到她留陰影, 便再沒有用此方法了。

yinghuntchi : 我女在家無論我到那裡她也會跟著我, 你給她吃餅她會跟著你看看餅放在那呢:-)  其實我不會心軟, 最難是有祖父母在場, 他們往往一句:細路仔要食就比佢啦! 便把我辛苦建立的family rule break up.
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-6-17 14:27

Also, make things as game is easier to teach her. That works for my little one too. Say you gave her biscuits, she wants the whole box. Instead of reacting negatively at once (opposite to her will), you can say "Wow, XX (her name) really likes biscuits, can you give one to mommy too" let her get one out from the box and give to you. If she did that, you should say Good girl (in exaggerating way) and clap your hands. They should be very happy now and know she has done sth good. Reward her with 1 more biscuit and then play her favorite toy....
Think about it is easier to teach them when they are in good mood rather than they are crying and screaming.....

For grandparents... sigh, I have the same issue at home, but I need to work, they are still better around than leaving my kid with the maid only!

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