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標題: 3歲男孩常哭鬧,應怎樣處理? [打印本頁]

作者: ireneho    時間: 2010-5-25 12:00     標題: 3歲男孩常哭鬧,應怎樣處理?


作者: jackieee    時間: 2010-5-25 14:29

It seems he always gets what he wants at the end, so if I were you, I would...

1). Breakfast - when he refused to eat and cry, leave him alone without offering another choice.  Take the food back into the kitchen after 15 mins and send him to school (or get him to go onto the next scheduled routine) despite his crying.  When he knocked off the cornflakes, calmly put that back into the kitchen and ignore his crying.  Don't hit him.  When he hit, stop him before too late and tell him calmly "NO".

2). Leaving home to work - When he asked me not to go, I would comfort him by saying I would be back in the evening to play with him, and explain to him that I work to pay bills, buy food and drinks, toys and books, rent and car, etc.

I can appreciate that hearing kids cry and yell and shout can be very stressful but for our kids' longterm well-being, we have to persevere.  As long as they don't get hurt, don't give in to their crying and unreasonable demands.  

Cheer up and hang in there!  We all need to "Add Oil"!
作者: ireneho    時間: 2010-5-26 15:44

Thanks Jackieee very much!!! I will try!

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