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標題: 我囝囝好鍾意吐口水玩, 開心又"呠"口水, 有咩辦法? [打印本頁]

作者: s0905235    時間: 2010-5-19 18:36     標題: 我囝囝好鍾意吐口水玩, 開心又"呠"口水, 有咩辦法?

我囝囝2.5歲好鍾意吐口水玩, 開心又"呠"口水, 試過用隔離法, 只係有效一陣, 跟住又周圍"呠"口水, 有試過打手板, 反而仲無用, 仲越叫越做, 試過忽略他, 但係1-2日都無改善, 我就忍唔都無反應, 仲有咩其他方法呢?
作者: s0901896    時間: 2010-5-19 23:13

我大囝都差不多2歲左右都係成日"呠"口水, 試過打他咀, 叫他吾好, 當然係無用啦...
之後我聽人講...其實"呠"口水對小朋友係好架, 對佢地將來發某些音, (好似係S) , 應該係因為口唇, 咀, 脷等有多加訓練...
所以...到細囝時(歲半左右), 佢又係"呠"口水, 我由得佢, 只係佢係街時"呠", 我會話係家才可做, 無幾耐佢"呠"夠, 就無再"呠"啦...
在細囝時, 我已接受"呠"口水係對佢好, 係成長一部分, 吾係問題, 所以好輕鬆就面對了.
作者: jackieee    時間: 2010-5-20 09:53

Same here!  My son loved spitting and playing with saliva when he was about 1.5 years old.  I tried different methods to stop him but to no avail.  Finally I gave up and he just outgrew it at around 2.5 years old.  I guess this is just part of a child's developmental stage.  You can still teach him this is not right and not hygenic as saliva contains a lot of germs and we'll spread the germs to others, and it's very anti-social as others won't play with us.  However, there is no need to get agitated.  It's a phase which will pass over time

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