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標題: 當孩子發脾氣是, 有什麼方法可幫她冷靜下來? [打印本頁]

作者: sclam    時間: 2010-5-10 15:01     標題: 當孩子發脾氣是, 有什麼方法可幫她冷靜下來?

小女5月尾便滿6歲,她是一個很容易發脾氣的女孩, 特別是對著菲傭姐姐.  從小我們就教導她不可隨意發脾氣, 有不開心或不滿時可以直接說出來, 讓我們知道, 大家一起解決, 但不可打人罵人等.  如果真的很嬲, 可以打枕頭發洩.  對著我和爸爸, 當有不滿時, 有時也會有一點點脾氣, 但會說出自己的不滿和看法, 什至會提出解決方法, 希望我們與她能達成共識解決問題.  其實她是一個成熟型的小女孩, 我對她說的道理她是明白的, 她知道發脾氣是不對的, 她曾對我說 : 媽媽我真的不想發脾氣, 但不知怎樣控制, 我很想冷靜下來, 但不知怎樣才可冷靜下來.  請問有沒有一些方法可幫助小女控制一下情緒和冷靜的方法?  曾聽過有一種好像是什麼紅綠燈的方法可幫忙控制情緒的, 如合用, 請介紹一下.
作者: s0902738    時間: 2010-5-10 22:30

Hi. I teach yoga to children and so helping children become aware of their feelings and how to handle it is part of my teaching. In our child's case, I teach them to some yoga poses e.g. "VOLCANO"  to express their feeling. It works all the time with my 5 years old daughter. I do it with her in the beginning and now she does it on her own and tell me why she's angry after.  Before you teach the pose, teach them about "Volcano", tell them about what happened in iceland. The volcano has very hot lava inside, and when it erupts, it makes a very loud sound, and lava is liquid rock....etc.... Once she has knowledge about volcano. When she gets angry one, then ask her how she feels, "Do you feel like a volcano boiling inside? Let's imagine we are volcano and jump the feet apart, palms together, imagine you can put all your feelings into the volcano, sadness, worries, anger etc. and boiling(deep breath in -arms up & breath out -arms down to side, breath in again palms together and breath out until volcano ready to erupt and jump up with arms wide open, release all feelings like the lava gushing out.  Children already calm down by taking few good breaths and visualizing releasing their negative feelings is a way to deal with them. so try it, i hope your girl will like it. regarding the method of red, green light, I don't know about it, maybe someone can share with us....
作者: sidneywong    時間: 2010-5-21 16:56

Emotion & logic relate to right & left brain respectively. You can ask the kid 3 logic questions or if she needs you to buy something,you can ask 3 reasons for you to buy it. Then theorectically, she will use another half brain to think of it. Then the temper will stop. It work for my 2 years old kid.
作者: myrchan    時間: 2010-6-1 15:46


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