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標題: 女兒妒忌心 [打印本頁]

作者: s1008565    時間: 2010-5-3 11:39     標題: 女兒妒忌心

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-5-3 12:26




1) 父母分別也定期抽時間與大女單獨相處,並告訴小朋友她在爸爸媽媽心目中,是獨一無二的,讓小朋友認為焦點和資源被分散的感覺減低。大女兒喜歡做什麼?計劃一下,單獨陪一陪她吧。

2) 給小朋友多點機會照顧BB﹝如餵BB吃東西、協助幫BB換片等﹞,讓她建立作為姐姐的責任感及風範。有了姐姐的風範,會較少吃BB的醋。

3) 公平看待兩個孩子的需要,如買東西給BB時,亦要考慮買給姐姐。



作者: jackieee    時間: 2010-5-3 14:16

Dont' worry CY. This is a stage but will pass. I used to have such problem with my daughter arrived 1.5 years ago, and my son was so rebellious that we had a lot of tension in the relationship.  He intentionally peed in his pants and on the carpet, refused to have breakfast or go to school, went hysterical whenever he was told to do something he didn't want to do.  I was so upset but had to understand the relationship is very delicate at that point and tried my best to patiently explain to him things he did wrong.  At the same time I purposefully planned time with him, took him out for activities that there were just me and him, and involved him in taking care of my daughter, such as asking him to pass me diapers and lotion when changing the baby (he was only 2.5 Y old then) and getting towel and shampoo when bathing the baby.  Even asking him to help twist the milk bottle for mixing the formula in water gave him a great sense of accomplishment and being part of the team to take care of the new born.  The situation slowly got better after 2 - 3 months.  The whole time he never said he disliked his sister, instead he loved her very much, but he didn't like the change and I sensed it.  I think we have to be very sensitive with kids as they are not good at expressing themselves and won't talk about their feelings.  Hope some of these tricks will work for you )  Good Luck!
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-5-4 09:47


舉個例,如果妹妹搶姊姊的玩具,您便應該跟妹妹說明,搶走姊姊的東西是不能容許的行為,必須馬上停止,並要學習等待請示別人的許可 (我不知道妹妹多少歲。如果妹妹是3歲或以上的話,應該會聽得懂的......當然,聽不聽得進耳是另一個問題.....)。處理妹妹搶姊姊玩具的情況,我建議您可以跟妹妹約法三章,她若再搶姊姊的玩具,便一整天或數小時,都不能再碰這玩具,讓她學習承受後果。



作者: s1008565    時間: 2010-5-15 17:06


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