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標題: 有外科醫生介紹嗎 ? [打印本頁]

作者: ik1328    時間: 2010-4-29 15:59     標題: 有外科醫生介紹嗎 ?

小兒差不多四歲半了,打算今個暑假跟他進行包皮手術,其實我也感到很矛盾 。
平時傷風感冒到(內科)醫生處看醫生時,都會順便問問醫生意見,幾個不同的醫生都說小兒包皮較緊,建議可做包皮手術。知道一般內科醫生都是處方開藥而不是持刀做手術的,故很想先帶他到富經驗的外科醫生作檢查後再安排做手術(如真有需要),請問各位家長有否這方面的經驗可給我呢 ?  可否介紹你們的醫生給我嗎 ? 謝謝
作者: s1008291    時間: 2010-4-29 17:30

作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-4-29 17:55

My son did it when he was 4 mths (he is nearly 3 now). The operation did very well and he didnt feel any pain (becoz he was so young). But your son is now 4.5...he may feel and know the pain.
The operation costed us around $30K if I am not wrong..
作者: emilyng007    時間: 2010-4-29 20:41

我個仔2歲幾, 發現小便困難, 很想去但尿只是滴出來, 後期更發炎和小便痛.
看了合共5個醫生,頭4個醫生話包皮過長, 需在包皮中段做一個環切手術, 手術好快, 只需要10多分鐘.
而第5個醫生認為包皮並非包皮過長, 而是包皮前端太窄所以不能容易退出來小便,如若誤疹為過長, 做了上述手術會導致他的vv縮入腹腔, 要在他身体其他位置移植皮膚至vv, 再做手術.
作者: emilyng007    時間: 2010-4-29 20:44

作者: mandy    時間: 2010-4-29 20:57

作者: jmui15    時間: 2010-4-29 22:43

作者: ik1328    時間: 2010-4-30 09:29

作者: s1011983    時間: 2010-4-30 14:16

Hi, if your son does not suffer from inflammation, the doctor does not see any urgent need to do the circumcison.  My son had circumcison done last Aug by Dr. Tsang Wai Hung in Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital.   He had suffered from inflammation twice and the doctor explained his situation in details before the operation.  I have chosen to have the operation in the summer time so that it will not impact his school life.  As the operation requires to use anesthesia, so parents cannot really accompany him during the operation.  One parent is allow to accompany him before the nurse give him the anesthesia, but the operation only takes 30 mins.  My son felt uncomfotable for the first few days, but the doctor keep monitoring his condition every week, so we were very pleased with him.  The cost is around HK18K. If you have hospital insurance, then it should cover everything. However, some insurance company will only pay for this operation if the doctor finds it necessary.  So you better check out the details on the insurance coverage.
作者: ik1328    時間: 2010-4-30 15:28

Many thanks for your advice & sharing !  
Yes, I'm going to have the operation in coming summer time so that it will not impact his school life too.  Can you tell me how long time for recovering ?  Thanks again.
作者: izz1chan    時間: 2010-4-30 16:31

my son did it when he was 7 by Dr 楊重光.  It took him about 2 weeks to fully recovered.  It will be cheaper if you are referred by General Practice to Dr 楊重光.
作者: smm    時間: 2010-4-30 22:25

my daughter has an operation 3 years ago by Dr 文詠基, he is a good doctor, very experienced and patient.

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