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標題: 小孩子甚麼時侯明白死亡? [打印本頁]

作者: s0902640    時間: 2010-4-20 16:59     標題: 小孩子甚麼時侯明白死亡?

小孩子是甚麼時侯明白死亡? 如有家人過身,應怎樣向他們解釋?
作者: iknroseb08    時間: 2010-4-20 20:31

I heard that they won't understand until they reach *AT LEAST* 3 years old.
you can call 善寧會 (Society for the promotion of hospice care) --  2868-1211,, in particular this page has some good materials for children and also people who need self-help materials on how to express their own emotions if their relatives die:
(under 自助錦囊), they should have some materials about explaining death to children.
作者: iknroseb08    時間: 2010-4-20 20:33

If you have a printer, I would suggest to print all the things out. They have some sharings from people whose' husbands / wives / children die and how they feel about it. It is extremely extremely touching and can comfort your heart!!!!
作者: s1011059    時間: 2010-4-20 20:36

視乎孩子年齡: 未入學, 可簡單回答"生命真是神奇,可貴".  完結話題.
如再問: 和小孩說"種子至開花結果"的故事, 生命是一個一個地不斷延續.
作者: mrsclee    時間: 2010-4-21 09:40

唔知你有無宗教信仰, 我舊年都有家人離開, 我個仔去到見到我婆婆瞓係棺材, 我就同佢地講, 婆婆返左天家, 第時我地都會一樣. 佢地之後不停問左我好多次. 然後好似明, 無再問

4歲個仔應該明, 因為佢識喊, 3歲個明d唔明d, 我去過公共圖書館, 有本圖書係講寵物離開, 個小朋友唔開心, mami 安慰佢, 我都有借過返去同佢解釋
作者: s0902640    時間: 2010-4-21 09:43

Unfortunately, the father passed away before the child born.  So the child has never seen the father.  He's almost 4-yrs-old now.  So, want to prepare how to approach to explain to him according to his understanding.
作者: s0903701    時間: 2010-4-21 15:41


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