I am interested in the proposed flute course. However, I have the following questions:
a. While I guess $200 (or lower) is just the course fee, may I have an idea of the price of a not-too-bad flute ? (I suppose course takers shall need a flute for practice)
b. For the teaching mode, will the 13 lessons be run at a classroom setting?
c. What will be the time of class? say evenings of weekdays or day time of weekends?
Grateful for your reply. Tks.作者: pcwong 時間: 2010-4-14 08:51
The lowest cost flute could be less than $1000. Better ones are $3000-4000, good enough for grade 5 and above. Compared to piano and violin, it is less expensive and requires less space.
The class will be online mode, providing the basic understanding of flute and music education. If the parents have prior music knowledge and skills, he/she will be able to do self-learning (I have self-learned flute also for 3 months already).
We could arrange face-to-face sessions at the beginning, or once a month. It all depends on the cost.
You cannot replace a private tutor who could help fine tune your skills. However, the cost of having a private flute tutor will be $150 to $400 per hour. By having an online course, you can save some hours because you can learn by yourself. and proceed faster. 作者: monleung 時間: 2010-4-14 10:00
I also want to learn to play the flute but the problem is..is it really possible can do it in 13 online lessons? Don't we need to meet up few times before we really start the online course. For me, I don't have any music knowledge and also if we are doing it at home, our kids will be in and out the studies room then we really can't concentrate it. So, I wonder how can we learn it properly???作者: mrschow 時間: 2010-4-14 15:37
I would like to join as well! When will the course start?作者: rhian 時間: 2010-4-20 12:42
i am interested too!作者: s0902640 時間: 2010-4-20 15:41
It's good. I can play flute and it's not so difficult if compare with other musical instructment. The factor is whether you are patient enough to learn from d-r-m-f-s... quite boring at the beginning.作者: pcwong 時間: 2010-4-20 21:20