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標題: 實驗:麥當勞餐放一年沒壞 [打印本頁]

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-3-19 17:57     標題: 實驗:麥當勞餐放一年沒壞



拍下這些照片的美國營養學家布魯索(Joann Bruso)表示,這證明了麥當勞食物含有太多防腐劑,對兒童健康不利。








Super Size Me  不瘦降之謎 (台灣名為「麥胖報告」)

本是電視製作人的摩根.史培洛,一日吃飽無事,在電視上看到兩名癡肥少女控告M記出售不健康食品,而M記則 指他們的食物無害,即使一日食足三餐都不會有事。為了「見證」M記的說法,摩根決定自己以身犯險。

為證明快餐與美國人肥胖的共生關係,摩根.史培洛進行了一個為期三十日的實驗,一日三餐只吃M記出售的食物 及飲品,包括水,而且還遵守有三項規則:當被M記問及要不要加大時,必須答「要」;餐單上所有食品至少要吃 一次,及所有食物必須吃光。一個月,摩根共吃下三十磅糖十二磅脂肪,體重上升二十四磅!除此之外,他還落 力走訪不同地方,巨無霸fans、汽水迷都成為其追訪對象,他更帶觀眾踢爆學校膳食、食品工業、揭露傳媒甚至 政府的漠視態度。

2003年2月,實驗正式開始,其實摩根在第二天就已經開始受不住,店員詢問他要不要加大,他按規接受,因而獲 得一包重半磅的薯條和四十二安士的汽水!與快餐苦戰一輪之後,他將所有食物吐出來。摩根選擇堅持下去,於 是在往後的日子他漸漸感到胸口翳悶、頭痛、抑鬱等症狀。進行實驗十日後的檢驗結果令醫生對於他的健康相當 擔心,亦為快餐食物對健康的影響感到驚訝。奇怪的是,摩根一邊承受M記食品對他帶來的壞處,卻一邊對快餐食 品上癮!

最後,他完成漫長的「旅程」,摩根最後花了十四個月才恢復原本體重。拍攝期間摩根多次致電M記的高層要求訪 問都不獲回覆,但影片公映之後,M記向外界表示摩根的餐單以偏概全,但卻取消加大碼套餐,更指決定與《不瘦 降之謎》無關,不過影片仍引起廣泛關注,票房走勢強勁之餘,更榮獲辛丹斯電影節最佳紀錄片導演獎。


摩根.史培洛畢業於紐約大學電影系,曾任《這個殺手不太冷》(Leon The Professional)監製助理,及後轉投電 視界,歷任主持、導演、撰稿及監製工作。作品包括MTV頻道瘋狂遊戲節目 〈I Bet You Will〉及〈Jackass〉, 本片為摩根.史培洛首部作品。

資料來源:Yahoo 電影

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-3-20 22:29


1996 McDonalds Hamburger

I teach a workshop titled Healthy Choices for Children.  It’s a class for parents seeking solutions to how to improve the way they eat. It’s about the alternative food market, organics, and the top ten food additives to avoid and why, menu planning and more.  It’s a 3 session fabulously informative interactive class.

Below is my absolutely favorite prop.

People are always astounded when I share this.

I have used this as show and tell for a very long time.


This is a hamburger from McDonalds that I purchased in 1996.

That was 12 years ago.

Note that it looks exactly like it did the very day I bought it.

The flecks on the burger are crumbs from the bun.

The burger is starting to crumble a bit.

It has the oddest smell.

The paper and bag in the backround is circa 2008 – to add decor to the photo. My friend Robyn’s idea.


This is the retro welch’s grape juice plastic container I have always kept it in. People always ask me – what did you do to preserve it ?

Nothing – it preserved itself.

Ladies, Gentleman, and children alike – this is a chemical food. There is absolutely no nutrition here.

Not one ounce of food value.  Or at least value for why we are eating in the first place.


The burger on the right, off the paper is a 2008 burger.  I had to buy it to get the groovy paper and bag.

The meat is a tad darker, the bun a little less golden but in 12 years it will look exactly like that too.

Do you find this horrifying?

McDonalds fills an empty space in your belly. It does nothing to nourish the cell, it is not a nutritious food.

It is not a treat.

I marvel at how McDonalds has infiltrated our entire world. A hamburger here tastes exactly the same in China or some around the world place.

It’s cloned.

Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

Do me a favor and share this.  

Karen Hanrahan
Wellness Educator/Nutritional Consultant
Mentoring YOU to Health Success

Source: Best of Mother Earth

圖片附件: [1996 McDonalds Hamburger] Burger2008.jpg (2010-3-20 22:29, 130.41 KB) / 下載次數 3030

圖片附件: [The hamburger purchased in 1996] Burger1996.jpg (2010-3-20 22:30, 125.79 KB) / 下載次數 2973

圖片附件: [plastic container] Burgerkeeper.jpg (2010-3-20 22:32, 148.08 KB) / 下載次數 2995

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