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標題: BB牙齒罅隙出現黑色的積 [打印本頁]

作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-3-17 21:52     標題: BB牙齒罅隙出現黑色的積

My son is now 2.9 years old and the black dirt were appeared since he was around 2.5. I have checked the dentist but he said it coz by food color (e.g. soy sauce, tea or some kinda dark color food). I have doubted because we rarely eat black or dark color food (very less chances seasons the food with soy sauces, not even drink tea). If not cause by eating dark color of food, what to coz that? Will that coz by lacking some kind of Vit?

Pls kindly advice, thanks.
作者: yoyotte    時間: 2010-3-18 08:13

My son has this problem too. We discovered that when he was 1.5 yrs. We saw 2 dentists. Both of them said that it is just stain that food left on. We can ask the child to drink water after eating each time and brush his teeth every day. One of them told us that some children have this problem because of gene. You may not clean away all the stain but it will become better by brushing teeth every day, using toothpaste contains fluoride to avoid tooth decay. When it really affects appearance, you may consider cleaning by dentist. But this will scare very young children so don't do that unless it is neccessary. It should not affect permanent teeth.

My son is 3 now. He now brushes his teeth and then we double brush for him. Dentist said that this makes children understand that brushing teeth is their responsibility and should be done twice a day. Parents should brush for them as young children cannot clean their teeth thoroughly. There is still stain on his teeth but it does not affect appearance.
作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-3-18 08:55

My son brush his teeth since he got 4 tooth and twice a day. That's why, I dont really believe it caused by not brushing the teeth well...I really think it must be something out of dentist knows.
作者: godwine    時間: 2010-3-18 10:17

牙仔黑漬 細菌感染(5-6歲)


洗牙漬再現 無法根治

這孩子的牙齒出現所謂黑色牙漬,很可能是受到產色細菌(Chromogenic bacteria)感染所致。這種牙漬,其實是黑色和棕色的,沿牙肉邊緣的牙齦開始,繞牙齒發展。一般只有請牙醫洗牙,才可以去掉牙漬。但洗完牙後,牙漬又會很快再出現,無法根治。

只影響外觀 或會擴散



作者: s1008371    時間: 2010-3-18 10:58

作者: s1008283    時間: 2010-3-18 11:17

My girl had the same proble before and checked with doctors too.  Same here, doctor said that was only the color.  So we tried 電動牙刷, the stain got off in a month.  If your doctor agree that that was color stain only, maybe you can try 電動牙刷 too.  The food these days is not the same as before.
作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-3-18 19:26

Thank you so much all~!
作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-3-18 19:29

Dear s1008283,

May I ask which brand and model of 電動牙刷 that your kids are using.

Thanks again.
作者: s1008283    時間: 2010-3-18 22:15

mbox21 :

  I tried couple brands, braun works well, it's about $8X.  If your child is under 3years old, please stand by and make sure he/she doesn't scretch on the gum too much.
作者: disney15a    時間: 2010-3-18 23:06

my daughter is almost 3 yrs old, and she got black dirt when she was 7 mths.  By that time, as advised by my friend, I bought some chinese 箹材 namely 木"擦", something like 未煮的長通粉, very cheap (just a few $) and u can buy from 中箹店 like "Yu Yan Sang".  What i did is soak it in the water for a while, then use it as a tooth brush and brush the dirt area.  And it works!  Of course as i didn't know if there is any negative impact to the quality of the teeth, that's why i did not use many times, just a few times, and after all dirt was cleaned, i didn't use it.  And recently my daughter's teeth got dirt again, and i used this method again and it also worked!
作者: zoesychan    時間: 2010-3-19 14:13

你試下去藥房買 "木賊草" 用熱水浸軟再刷牙 ...

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