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標題: 你地會點選擇 : victoria vs learning habitat ? [打印本頁]

作者: megan    時間: 2010-3-17 09:52     標題: 你地會點選擇 : victoria vs learning habitat ?

請大家比些意見,我覺得兩間學校的理念差不多(雙班主任 , 著重雙語教育,不谷),若果兩間都收,你們會點選擇?有冇過來人分享心德?謝
作者: ohbear    時間: 2010-3-17 12:45

My daughter is now in K3 in Victoria, and I was amazed by her excellent command of English.   Her Chinese is not as good as her English, but she has good accent of Mandarin.  

If location and $$ is not your consideration, I think Victoria should be a better choice, because Victoria is more well known in both HK and PRC.  In addition, Victoria has a good through-chain primary school and secondary school, called VSA, in the Southern District.  VSA is quite similar to CKY, in terms of facilities, school systems, language environment, and school fees.  But Victoria is already an IB school, while CKY is not.     Graduates of Victoria Kindergarten has preference to get admitted, while outsiders are difficult. (Don't argue which one is better, as both of them are good and parents in HK don't have any other substitutes in the market.  (e.g. similar to international schools while Chinese is emphasized.))  

If you want to enjoy free education, you may still take the lucky draw even when you get admitted by VSA.
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-3-17 16:23



作者: megan    時間: 2010-3-18 06:56

ohbear, 我希望女兒讀培橋、陳守仁、St. Margaret、真道、CKY或啟思那種學校(重思考、課外活動)。之前冇想過VAS, 佢小學和中學的學費多少?

Jacko, 多謝你轉載s0902699給我的建議,其實兩間都在我屋企附近,一間在樓下,一間要行10-20分鐘(小孩步伐),起初以為不搭校車已經算近,但經過你一提,真的要想清楚。

作者: s1007416    時間: 2010-3-18 14:32


The school fees (2009-2010) for VSA is as follow, all payable in 10 instalments:

Primary: $73000
Secondary: MYP (S1-S4) $81500; DP (S5-S6) $100,900

The school fees are excluding other fees such as "misc. fees" and overseas education/excursion trips from P5 and above.

If you choose VSA or similar schools running IB, you really need to ask yourself are you prepared to let your child to complete his/her pre-University education in the same setting?  This is because you will not be able to join the SSPA system when your child is moving on to the secondary school.  You are left with the DSS schools if you wish to "return" to the majority education system.

Personally, I am all for the IB education system especially if you are planning to let your child to study aboard later on, but it does depends on the school management and teachers to make sure its' successful implementation.  

VSA do emphasis and encourages students being multilingual (Putonghau and English are the basic two languages taught and used at school) and having international views.  This is achieved in their regular projects and presentations.

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