小朋友6歲, 好硬頸, 對他的無理的反抗要點做? 佢咩都聽唔入耳, 只是不停說: 我一定不會做xxxxx!!
s0901893 發表於 2010-1-18 13:39
3# jacko
First I explain to him why it is impolite and not hygienic to pick nose with bare hands and in front of others.
Then I told him if he really feel itchy, he can go to the washroom and cle ...
s0901893 發表於 2010-1-19 09:44
Hi Gloria, you got the point. Dad will sometimes do this too, although not in front of others but only at home, but he will not go to the bathroom as well. I cannot change him as he thinks it's ok wh ...
s0901893 發表於 2010-1-22 13:18
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