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標題: 懷疑bb有自閉症/阿氏保加症, 可以怎樣做? [打印本頁]

作者: ethanson    時間: 2010-1-18 12:11     標題: 懷疑bb有自閉症/阿氏保加症, 可以怎樣做?

孩子現在23月大, 近來發現他有以下徵狀:
- 愛玩車, 但亦愛用手指撥動車輪
- 轉陀螺
- 愛玩氹氹轉, 亦愛我抱著他轉 (早兩天第一次見他自轉)
- 不合群 - 上playgroup, 只顧自己四圍走, 不太愛與其他小朋友接觸交流
- 在家吹bubble會去拍打, 但在playgroup時卻不會, 只會坐著看
- 經常尖叫, 出街後回家甚至大哭, 不肯除衫除鞋去洗澡

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-1-18 14:07

ethanson,您好。就您所提供的資料,我不能判斷小朋友是否有自閉症 / 阿氏保加症。

不過,小朋友愛轉圈,可能只是希望滿足前庭感的需要 (即滿足腦內負責身體平衡的部分:前庭耳蝸神經,發展時需受刺激的需要)。因跑和轉都可以滿足孩子的前庭感需要,所以其實很多小朋友也喜歡轉來轉去 / 跑來跑去的。

之前亦有些家長問過什麼機構可以評估小朋友是否有自閉症 / 阿氏保加症。不妨按我觀看之前的留言。裡面除了有自閉症 / 阿氏保加症評估機構介紹外,還有參考書籍介紹、自閉症的後天成因等,值得看看。


作者: dodo    時間: 2010-1-18 22:32

孩子現在23月大, 近來發現他有以下徵狀:
- 愛玩車, 但亦愛用手指撥動車輪
- 轉陀螺
- 愛玩氹氹轉, 亦愛我抱著他轉 (早兩天第一次見他自轉)
- 不合群 - 上playgroup, 只顧自己四圍走, 不太愛與其他小朋友接觸交流
-  ...
ethanson 發表於 2010-1-18 12:11
Ethanson, there are a lot of signs other than your baby's behaviour as to assess if a child is identified with autism or asperger syndrome (e.g. whether to have eye contact, symbolic plays, finger pointing or joy to share achievement). My child is 3yrs and 4months and was assessed as PDD-NOS (pevasive development disorder - not otherwise specified) at 2yrs 9 months with autistic feature. This diagnosis means he does have some signs of autisum but the features do not fully fit into autism category. If you spend short time with my child, you may not even notice he is an autistic child. I had the assessment at STEP (邁步兒童發展中心) last year and the diagnose was conducted for almost 3 hrs. I'm not saying that your baby may be in the same situation but your case seems yet too early to say, while maybe only professionals can give us some solid advice after a thorough assessment. Most of the autistic children have sensory integration problem (感覺統合問題) while many children are running saliva and have muscle control problem (e.g cannot even jump a bit). You may also try to pay attention on this point. Pls find the blog of a mother with two kids (one with autism and one asperger). She shares a lot of information on her blog and you can read what sensory integration and other training for austism are. I may suggest you read more information about autism/asperger first. If you find your baby is identified with more traits, get the assessment asap. Early intervention is very crucial for autistic children. If a child is, usually he/she will likely need to receive training in speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and social group training.

作者: ethanson    時間: 2010-1-19 11:01

OH Dear...he really cant jump!!!  When we say JUMP, he could only step his feet!!!  However, other than that I dont think he has muscle control problem as he could walk through a 鐵索橋 on his own...Also he does not have any running saliva problem.
I have studied a lot of information these 2 days and he seems neither autism nor asperger.  Anyway, I may still conduct an assessment soon.
Dodo mama, thanks for your time and kind words.
作者: ethanson    時間: 2010-1-19 11:01

HI Jacko

Thank you for your information and it really helps a lot.
作者: jessie    時間: 2010-1-19 13:20

Your bb only 23月, I think it is normal in this age. My son also like that before 2 years old but now he is very friendly and most of his classmate like him a lot. Don't worry!!
作者: ethanson    時間: 2010-1-19 14:37

剛才再細讀其他文章, 我反而覺得他似有"過度活躍症"...
 不能安坐,經常走來走去
 亂跑亂爬
 無法安靜地參與活動 - 每次上playgroup, 都不能好好坐下, 總是走來走去, 又不聽從老師指令.
 精力旺盛,無法靜下來 - 在家四處跑一兩小時也不覺累

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-1-19 14:43

剛才再細讀其他文章, 我反而覺得他似有"過度活躍症"...
 不能安坐,經常走來走去
 亂跑亂爬
 無法安靜地參與活動 - 每次上playgroup, 都不能好好坐下, 總是走來走去, 又不聽從老師指令.
 精力旺盛,無法靜下 ...
ethanson 發表於 2010-1-19 14:37


﹝請選擇:1. 少於一天 2. 持續一至兩天 3. 持續三至四天 4. 持續五至七天﹞

1. 我被一些平時不會困擾我的事情困擾。
2. 我不想吃東西,我的胃口很差。
3. 即使有家人和朋友的幫忙,我仍然感到憂慮。
4. 我覺得自己比不上別人。
5. 我難以集中精神工作。
6. 我感到抑鬱。
7. 我感到做每件事都很吃力。
8. 我對將來沒有希望。
9. 我覺得自己一生很失敗。
10. 我感到恐懼。
11. 我不能安枕。
12. 我不快樂。
13. 我比平時少說話。
14. 我覺得孤獨。
15. 我覺得別人不友善。
16. 我不享受生活。
17. 我會突然哭泣一段時間。
18. 我感到情緒低落。
19. 我覺得別人不喜歡我。
20. 我做事提不起勁。

Source:Radloff, L.S. (1977). The CES-D scale: a self report depression scale for research in the general population. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 385-401.


心理學家不會只憑一份測量表來替別人測量的。通常測量表﹝Assessment Test﹞是用來作一個初步評估,讓我們獲得一些初步的數據。評估的重點,是在跟某人見面時,觀察他的行為舉止、溝通模式、精神狀態等等是否真的有問題﹝這就需要臨床經驗了﹞。

作者: ethanson    時間: 2010-1-19 17:04

Hi Jacko

你的回覆令我釋懷, 非常感謝.
初為人母, 就是什麼事情都會萬分緊張.
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-1-20 09:01

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