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標題: maid's problem [打印本頁]

作者: sidneywong    時間: 2010-1-14 18:20     標題: maid's problem


My maid & daughter (2 years old) loves each other very much. My kid likes the maid the most though I am a house-wife.

I have 2 questions:

1. My maid sometimes plays in these ways: take the thing from my kid's hand or stop her to walk. My maid feels it funny but my kid doesn't it it.  Then my kid yells or shows that she's not happy with it. Actually, I don't want my kid to yell but in most cases, I won't stop my maid. Because I want my kid face different people.

But will the "yell level" affect the kid's EQ ? OR I overworry. Pls adv, tks.

Well, sometimes my maid plays with her &  make my kid laugh a lot.

2. When my baby was born, I's sick & couldn't take care of her for 2 months. During that moment, my maid took care of her. So far, my maid feed my baby for the rice & the milk in the morning.

Besides, I am a person is quite serious & can't make the kid laugh as same as the maid does. So, my kid needs the maid more than me sometimes. It make me unhappy.

In my kid's mind, I am the number 2 while my maid is number 1.

Pls adv how I can change the situation.  

best regards,
作者: s1005959    時間: 2010-1-14 21:46

Hi Sidney,

I think you should be really glad to have such maid.  My situation was completely different which made me change 10 maids within 1 year.  That was totally a nightmare.  If your maid can handle the kids so well, go out to take a part time job or some hobbies, have some dates with your hubble, or just to meet some old and new friends.  Just have some fun outside your home and you will become a person with more fun too.  You are always number 1 in your kids' mind in the long haul.  The maid will eventually go away but you will be there forever, even after you go to heaven.  So, don't be silly.  You are thinking too much!!  I wish I had a maid like yours who can handle the kids so very well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: ikub08    時間: 2010-1-14 23:39

Hi Sydney
Dont'be too worry. I came across the same case like you around 3 years ago. Now my daughter is 5 years old. The difference is I was not jealous at my maid and I'm not a housewife at that time. I'm that kind of mum who does not know how to make kids laughing. At that time, my maid is the number one in my daughter's mind and my hubby is the number two. If your maid does not treat you kid well, your kid can feel it. When she becomes elder, she will know you are really concerned and "over-worried" on her. I remember when she was 4 years old, she complained that my maid(same person) ignored her. She even asked me to change my maid if my maid had no improvement.  Now she loves me so much. I become the number one in her mind.
作者: mrsclee    時間: 2010-1-15 09:49

小朋友唔只需要一個照顧佢既人, 佢最需要一個愛佢既人.
佢仲細, 係呢個階段, 佢會好依附照顧佢既人. 你唔需要覺得唔開心 (雖然我知好難). 你有一個肯俾心機幫你湊女既工人, 你應該高興.

你話你唔識同個女玩, 其實, 所有你同個女一齊做既野, 都係同佢玩緊, 靜態既, 可以同個女讀下書, 砌下 puzzle/lego; 動態既, 同佢去公園玩滑梯, 同佢踩下三輪車, 佢都一樣會開心. 小朋友係好敏感, 佢會知道邊個"愛" 佢, 邊個照顧佢. 盡可能自己陪個女瞓, 我個人意見, 臨瞓呢段時間好 sweet, 同佢傾下計, 攬下佢, 佢會感受到.

fyi, 我有2個小朋友, 相差只隔一年, 細仔一直都好 rely on maid, 起初佢都係揀 maid 唔揀我, e+ 3歲, 佢知道, 姐姐係照顧佢日常起居, mami 返工佢至要姐姐陪 (我無同佢講過呢 d 野, 小朋友係 sense 到)
作者: s0901477    時間: 2010-1-15 10:47

作者: yyyalice    時間: 2010-1-15 15:23


作者: sidneywong    時間: 2010-1-27 14:40

Hi Everybody,

Tks a lot.

best regards,

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