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標題: sosical problem [打印本頁]

作者: sidneywong    時間: 2010-1-14 17:57     標題: sosical problem


My daughter is 2 years old. One day, she picked some leaves from the ground. One boy got my daughter's leaves from her hand suddenly. I asked the boy to stop. But later on, I think my reaction on this is a bit rude but I don't know how to do it correctly to show to my daughter that she/I can't be so weak.

Pls adv how should I do to make the "balance". Tks.

best regards,
作者: rainbowgloria    時間: 2010-1-18 19:04

Hi Sidney,




P.S. 有一個這麽盡責的媽媽,作爲你的女兒,真幸福呢!

Gloria Leung
作者: sidneywong    時間: 2010-1-22 11:49

Hi Gloria,

Really tks.

best regards,

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