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標題: 兩歲半是否應上N1? [打印本頁]

作者: haven-bigney    時間: 2010-11-8 14:44     標題: 兩歲半是否應上N1?

作者: s1009118    時間: 2010-11-8 17:34

學習快不要浪費3-5年齢時機! 學習慢要放PLAYGROUND WARM UP一下!
作者: junkecat    時間: 2010-11-8 19:35

Depends if your child is getting enough stimulations at home.  And if she gets enough time spent with kids her own age.  It is a trend to go to school before 3yo but you have to remember everyone has a different background.  Don't just follow the trend.
作者: s1006787    時間: 2010-11-9 11:58

如果妳沒有太多時間陪伴她, 上N班是一個好選擇。Nusery班是可增進小朋友社交機會及自理能力, 當然是遊戲學習最主要。

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