I think maybe your kid does not like attention. My son was just like that when he was 2 - 3. He hated people clapping for him or singing him praises and would scream real hard or cry. I did teach him to just say thank you and go off the scene but somehow he couldn't quite do it. But as he grew older, he outgrew it. Now he would smile when people praise him, but still he couldn't quite utter the "Thank You" to show his manner 作者: s1006787 時間: 2010-9-30 08:52
Same as my daughter aged 4 now, she is quite shy in front of strangers. When she was around 2 1/2 old, a promoter in supermarket asked if she wanted to try orange juice. She did not answer but cried. Even now, when cashier in a restaurant talked to her, she seems feel embarrassed. I don't know if this is called "self-embarrassment".作者: kktsang 時間: 2010-10-4 20:21