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標題: 開學後的心情 / 女兒常告狀 [打印本頁]

作者: fishkarie    時間: 2010-9-17 09:49     標題: 開學後的心情 / 女兒常告狀

自女兒剛於九月升小一, 我就變成另一個人 -- 沒有笑容的媽媽 -- 這是女兒所形容的.  我每晚差不多八時才返到家, 立即就要follow up她的功課 (因不能完全依賴補習社), 陪她收拾書包, 又要同她溫書(第一次英默已完成了!),  九時許女兒就要上床睡覺. 而我在這短短1.5小時內還要吃飯和洗澡, 比上班還要忙!!  加上近來工作壓力很大, 所以心情也不大好.  但女兒做事不算快, 有時不專心, 有時要叫多次才做. 見到此情況, 我便會發惡, 包括大聲喝她和罵她.

有一晚, 女兒問:"媽媽, 怎麼妳現在不再笑?" 聽後我也不禁反省一下, 也發覺自己果寅如此. 其實, 我應怎樣安排時間, 才能令自己不會太緊張, 而又能顧及女兒的學業? 還是有什麼是我應做而沒有做, 又或不應做而做了?  我不笑, 連帶女兒也少笑了.

又, 只開學了三星期, 女兒已試過至少兩次向老師告狀, 話同學在走廊跑, 及看完圖書不放回原位.  女兒是一個有正義感的女孩, 我也認為她做得對. 但常常后老師告狀, 久而久之, 我擔心她會因此而沒有朋友. 其實我女兒的做法是否正確? 我應怎樣教導她?
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-9-17 12:02

She is just P1, it should be a time to help her adjusting to new primary school life, meet more friends, etc. You are already so nervous about dictation, homeworks now, it is a long way until P6! I have 3 boys, they are in kinder, primary and secondary and so I need to handle them differently. But in short, nowadays as a parent, we are doing TOO MUCH for the kids, I think we should always be on the side to guide/help/give advice if needed but not to control and plan everything!

Relax, I would rather spend times talking to her about what she does in school, who are her friends now, what she enjoys in new school, etc You can setup schedule together and study in the weekend if necessary.

Ha ha, some kids like that, it is not 告狀 if she says it nicely to the classmates. May be she can talk to the classmates instead of going straight to teacher first. I think her behavior is totally OK.

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