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標題: My 14 years old has trouble to handle his emotion [打印本頁]

作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-7-20 09:37     標題: My 14 years old has trouble to handle his emotion

My son is now 14 years old, he is intelligent, does very good at school. But for emotion handling, he didn't know how to do and I have tried many different ways to help him, but I guess I didn't do it right also. For example:

- when he has headache, feeling not good, he will cry
- when he can't sleep (worrying can't get up in time next morning), he will cry
- when he is mad, he will cry
- if sth worrying him, he will keep asking questions, even you answered him already, he will either keep asking similar things or I can tell he will worry until it is over....

Is there any course that I can go with him to help him? or do I need to take to see doctor?

Please help...
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-7-20 10:03

He is actually with school program in another country currently. Having emotion problem and crying every day when he calls. I really need immediate help, how I can talk to him such that he can express himself better to handle his current emotions?

Thanks again.
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-7-20 11:04

我需要多一點資料。您介不介意致電 2994-2008 給我? (說找麥先生就可以了)
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-7-20 11:39

麥先生, thank you for your time. I will try all your advices.
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-7-20 11:50

唔使客氣 。需要幫忙再致電給我吧!
作者: s1010221    時間: 2010-7-20 16:18

會唔會係同壓力有關? 各方面既壓力令佢搵唔到自己, 亦冇時間去思考點樣可以宣洩, 所以用喊, 或者我地認為唔適合既方法去表達?

多d同佢傾下計, 有冇幫助?

除左正常既功課/課外活動以外, 有冇時間比佢, 係可以自己中意做咩就比佢做? 例如玩 (包括打籃球, 游水, 甚至打機, 當然要視乎個人喜好), 同朋友去街, 或者比d時間佢發夢, etc?

希望以上的可以幫你搵到佢問題所在, 然後再諗方法去幫佢........

作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-7-20 17:40

I don't think it is relating to school pressure or work pressure as we don't push him at all, and he seems studying in a easy way also. Since he starts secondary school, he doesn't have much activities, I let him do what he wants. So, he only has swimming  and table tennis and pretty much goes back home after school.

After talking to 麥先生, I now realize his 抗逆力 is very low. So, he doesn't' know what to do, then cry! I think I will wait until he comes back, and work together on this. Try to actively look for some activities, courses etc for him such that he can improve his 抗逆力. However, I am still not sure what activities that he can do it regularly to achieve this? I wonder if engaging in volunteer works will help?
作者: s1010330    時間: 2010-7-21 13:41

hello s1013765,

did you have religion ?
not sure it's workable or not, i only become as Catholic not more than 3 months, but i have studied almost 2 years as 慕道, i feels peaceful & i can release pressure when I attend mass & prayer to God, our God father & our Catholic members are enthusiasm to help each other, so we are feel so warm together.
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-7-21 13:56

I don't think it is relating to school pressure or work pressure as we don't push him at all, and he seems studying in a easy way also. Since he starts secondary school, he doesn't have much activitie ...
s1013765 發表於 2010-7-20 17:40
剛pm 了三篇文章給您。希望您可以透過那三篇文章,參透一下小朋友問題的根源吧!
作者: s1013765    時間: 2010-7-21 15:59

s1010330, thanks for your advice. I do think about going to church before, not because his problem but because I often lose my patience when dealing with 3 boys every day. So, I do wonder if religious would help me to have peaceful minds, more patient attitude,etc

Thanks again, 麥先生. I did read 2 of the passages you sent me. For my boys, I don't do the trivial small things for them at all, when they are about 5-6 yrs old, I have them to take shower themselves, get ready own school bags etc. But, I have to admit for academic arrangement, test preparation, etc things that I think it is important,  I did do a lot for them. When he needs advice, I often give him solutions/advices right away instead of leading him to find out his own solutions.....

I am learning and using different approaches now with my other 2 boys. But my eldest son, I hope it is not too late, we will work it out together.

Thanks again for all of your help!
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-7-21 17:18

s1010330, thanks for your advice. I do think about going to church before, not because his problem but because I often lose my patience when dealing with 3 boys every day. So, I do wonder if religious ...
s1013765 發表於 2010-7-21 15:59
作者: myrchan    時間: 2010-7-23 18:16

Could I have them too? Please and thank you.

9# jacko
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-7-23 22:15

Could I have them too? Please and thank you.

9# jacko
myrchan 發表於 2010-7-23 18:16
其實這3篇文章,是我從eParent 中的文章選出來的。剛剛PM 了給您!
作者: s1013727    時間: 2010-7-29 13:48

JACKO.. 我可唔可以PM埋俾我呀? 謝謝~

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