Thanks for recommending, I always find the informaiton provided by eParent useful. It really gives new parent like me inspiration, guidiance in raising a child. Appreciate if you could advise the En ...
bbcarol 發表於 2009-12-3 10:07  You're welcome, bbcarol 
「Appreciate if you could advise the English name of the book and author.」
If you mean the books for enriching the story-telling skills, I think the above online workshops are already helpful enough (Practice is much more important then knowledge for learning story-telling techniques, isn’t it?).
If you mean some English story books for your kid, you may want to have a look on the following books:
Level 1 (For Preschool Children)
Book Name: Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill
Author: Martha Weston
Book Name: Thomas and Percy and the Dragon
Author: n/a
Level 2 (For Preschool to K1)
Book Name: Silly Sara
Author: Anna Jane Hays
Book Name: Tiger is a Scaredy Cat
Author: Joan Phillips
The books may be found in some of the book stores, I suppose. Or you may go to for ordering them online. |